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Assistance with Classes
Teachers are available for assistance with classes and
there is generally tutoring available through the National Honor Society.
NHS tutoring is free and available on Wednesdays after school.
Teachers may also be available before and/or after school; see them for times
that they are available.
Teacher Websites
Other helpful math sites
How Can I Help My Student's
Grade at Byron High School?
Obtain a PowerSchool Login and Password –
PowerSchool is an online grade reporting
method that all teachers use at Byron High School to report the progress of
each student.
With a login and password, parents can track when assignments are due and
the grade
earned on an assignment when it is graded and returned. Low grades are often
related to
missing or late work. Call or email the high school guidance office (Mrs.
Smith – to obtain a login and password (810) 266- 4620.
Get a planner – A planner is a great way
to help your son or daughter to remember when
assignments are due and when tests and quizzes are scheduled. Start by
having your son or
daughter write down all homework that is assigned for each class. It is also
very important
to include “no homework” for a class if that is the case so the same routine
is carried out
each hour. If at first this needs to be monitored by teacher, your son or
daughter should
write the assignment in the planner and the teacher will initial it at the
end of the hour to
verify it. There are many phone apps that will help keep track of
homework and due dates as well.
Contact the teacher - The high school
office telephone number is (810) 266-4620. Leave a
message for a teacher and you will receive a return call within 24 hours. A
faster way to
contact your teacher is through email because teachers do not have immediate
access to a
• Using the Internet - go to
• On the left side of the page click on Byron High School Toolbox –
• A drop down menu will open – click on Teacher list – email links.
The Byron High School National Honor
Society offers after-school tutoring on Wednesdays from 3 to 4 pm in high school room 9. During this time your son or
daughter can receive help from a high school student on any subject. This program is
organized and monitored by Mrs. Thiele (
Contact the Byron High School Principal
Mr. Dobson, to set up a round table meeting with your child’s teacher(s) if there is a concern about academic progress. Round
table meetings occur before or after school and take about 30 minutes. Contact Mr.
at (810) 266 – 4620 or
English/Language Arts
Go to this website
literary-devices in order to get
definitions and examples of many literary devices (i.e. analogy, conflict,
hyperbole and many others).