About us


Political Action

Mt. Pleasant Education Association

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to your personal calendar)


MPEA Facebook Group
Add yourself to the Facebook group for regular MPEA news and
meeting reminders.

We wish all our fellow members a great start to the school year, and invite all our teaching staff to participate in the MEA Advantage.

MEA membership means harnessing the collective power of 150,000-plus members to bargain collectively for fair wages and working conditions for teachers and education support professionals, as well as high-quality education for our students.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg, though—MEA members receive numerous advantages for their careers, for their rights, for their wallets and for public education.

To learn more about the advantages of MEA membership—or for answers to any of your questions—speak with any MPEA representative or call MEA's Help Center toll-free at
866-MEA-HELP (866-632-4357).

Helpful Links

E-dues How-to

Benefits of a MEA Membership

What do you get for your dues?


More information on the
MESSA Choices II plan
and MESSA ABC plan
is available here.


Student Loan Forgiveness:
Title 1 Eligibility Information
10 years of Public Service Eligibility


Making Your Voice Heard:

MPEA logo
Mt. Pleasant Education Association 
625 N. Main, Suite B
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858