L'Anse Creuse Public
Effective Date: September 1, 2003
PURPOSE: To outline the procedures which must be followed to obtain full and proper approval of a long-term leave of absence request. Long-term leave of absence is defined as a leave of 2 weeks or greater.
SCOPE: All Employees.
RATIONALE: To provide an equitable method of ensuring that employees who wish to apply for a Leave of Absence are given consideration in an appropriate and consistent manner. There is provision for requests for Leave of Absence, both with and without pay, in the current Collective Agreements for Administrative, Support, and Instructional Staff. These procedures seek to clarify the procedures to be followed and also recognize that operational considerations must be taken into account.
Employee Procedures:
Leave of Absence Request Form
1. The employee will initiate a
Leave of Absence request by filling out a Leave of Absence Request Form.
The employee should clearly identify the start and end dates of the requested
leave, the reason(s) for the leave request and whether the proposed leave
will be with or without pay. The employee forwards the form to the employee's
Return to Work Notice Form
2. If approved by the Personnel Office, the employee will receive an copy and be mailed a confirmation letter with instructions for returning to work along with a Return to Work Form. Other documentation such as the Family Medical Leave Act may be sent depending on the purpose of leave.
3. Employee will notify the Personnel Office prior to returning per the instructions in the letter. If the employee is required to extend the leave, they will contact the Personnel Office and send proper documentation per the confirmation letter.
4. When the employee returns to work they will provide their supervisor a completed Return to Work form. The supervisor will forward the completed form to Personnel.
Supervisor Procedures:
1. After signing the Leave of Absence Request Form, the Supervisor forwards the completed package (using the Supervisor Checklist Form) to the Personnel Office.
2. The Supervisor will submit the employee's completed Return to Work Form along with any required medical documentation to the Personnel Office on the employee's first day back to work.
3. Leaves approved on a last minute emergency basis will require the supervisor to fill out the leave request form until further documentation can be received from the employee.
Personnel Office Procedures:
1. The Director of Personnel and/or Assistant Superintendent for Personnel and Operations will review Leave of Absence Request form and approve or deny the leave.
2. A signed copy of the Leave of Absence Request form will be sent back to the employee and supervisor indicating approval or denial.
3. If the leave is approved, a copy of the Leave of Absence Request form will be forwarded to the Personnel Office, the Payroll Office, the Benefits Office, to the employee's supervisor, and to the employee. A letter with leave instructions, return to work instructions and other necessary documentation will be sent to the employee.
4. If the leave is denied, a copy of the Leave of Absence Request form will be sent back to the employee and supervisor before being filed in the Personnel Office. A monthly Leave of Absence Report will be generated from the AS400 and distributed to staff in the Personnel Office and Payroll Office.
Last Revision: August 5, 2003