First Revised 9/15/07
- Eligibility: Any L’Anse Creuse teacher may draw sick days from the sick leave bank for an illness or disability. An illness or disability will be defined as a condition which renders a L’Anse Creuse teacher unable to work. Days may not be used for anyone other than the L’Anse Creuse teacher.
- Limit of Days: A teacher may draw on the sick leave bank after using up all but 20% of their accumulated sick days. The number of days drawn from the bank will be restricted to the number of days necessary to enter long term disability (90 calendar days). Since MESSA allows “modified fill,” those employees with over 90 accumulated sick days may continue to use them.
- Loss of Pay: Teachers may not draw on the sick leave bank until after their thirtieth (30) working day of an illness and after the utilization of all but 20% of their accumulated sick days. Any teacher with less than thirty (30) accumulated days will lose one day's pay for every sick day less than thirty (30). Seniority will accrue while the teacher draws days from the sick leave bank. Only one thirty (30) - day waiting period shall be required in any one school year if the illness is a recurrence of the same illness.
- Multiple Illness or Disability: Any teacher who has entered the sick bank and has utilized thirty (30) accumulated sick days or loss of pay and must reenter the sick bank in the same school year will not be penalized a second time, provided the illness is a recurrence of the same illness.
- Application Procedure:
a. When prior knowledge of a disability is foreseen, a teacher should forward their application to enter the sick bank at least thirty (30) days before the date to take effect. In cases where an illness or disability does not allow the teacher thirty (30) days notice, the teacher should file the application as soon as is reasonably possible.
b. Go to the L’Anse Creuse Association Web site www.iammea.org/lcea for the form and directions. Contact the L’Anse Creuse MEA-NEA Local 1 Sick Bank Chairperson, Dorothy Yope, at Lobbestael) if you have any questions. A doctor’s statement is required.
The doctor’s statement should include:i.
iii.The nature of the illness or disability
The initial date of illness or disability, and
The projected loss of work time
- Sick Bank Maintenance: All new teachers contribute a day from their sick leave allowance. Days will be accumulated from one year to the next. If at the start of the school year, the number of days in the bank is below two-thirds (2/3) of the number of teachers contributing to the leave bank, then each teacher shall contribute one day from their sick leave allowance at the start of the school year in September. This does not preclude the additional contribution of days in emergency situations.
- Appeal: The teacher may appeal to the Sick Bank Chairman for reentry into the sick bank during the same school year under special circumstances. Final decision rests with the Executive Board.
- Returning to work: Occasional or sporadic illnesses occurring after returning to work from sick bank is the responsibility of the individual employee. These include, but are not limited to, flu, cold, doctor’s appointment, etc.