NOTE: For additional science electives, see the Agri-Science section at the bottom of this page.


Chemistry I(1 year)

Grades 11-12 Required Prerequisite: Nat Sci I & Nat Sci II

Elective Prerequisite: Algebra, Geometry

This will be an introduction into a study of the following areas: the physical and chemical properties of matter, chemical and physical changes, bonding, the gas laws, atomic and molecular structure, stoicheometry,and solutions. To meet the high school science MEAP proficiency requirements, physical science concepts will be integrated into the course. The class is designed with lab and demonstration as an integral part of the learning process.


Chemistry II(1 year)

Grades 11-12 Required Prerequisite: Chemistry I

An extension of Chemistry I with emphasis on topics such as bonding, reaction rates, solubility, organic chemistry, qualitative and quantitative analysis. The class will emphasize greater depth and understanding.


Human Anatomy (1 year)

Grades 11-12 Elective Prerequisite: Natural Science II

or Biology

Focus is directed on the body’s systems with attention to medical related and allied health applications, as well as general knowledge of the human organism and how it works. Dissections are an integral part of the class.


Natural Science I (Earth Science) (1 year)

Grade 9 Required Prerequisite: None

Natural Science I, II, and III are designed to meet the high school science MEAP proficiency requirements. This course includes the study of the universe, water cycle (ground water to ocean water), weather, geology and plate tectonics. A "hands-on" approach with several lab activities will be incorporated into this class.


Natural Science II (Biology) (1 year)

Grade 10 Required Prerequisite: Natural Science I

Natural Science I, II, and III are designed to meet the high school science MEAP proficiency requirements. This course is designed to study life using a "hands-on" approach. Several lab activities are done to reinforce certain concepts in the study of life. Cell structure, function, reproduction, respiration and photosynthesis are examined. The study of genetics and its relationship to ecology will also be studied.


Natural Science III (Physical Science) or (Chemistry I option) (1 year)

Grades 11 Required Prerequisite: Natural Science I or II

Natural Science I, II and III are designed to meet the high school science MEAP proficiency requirements. Physical Science is an introductory study of chemistry and physics. Atoms, elements, periodic table, physical & chemical changes will be covered in the chemistry portion of this course. Magnetism, waves, energy, sound, light and electricity will be covered in the physics portion of this class.


Physics I(1 year)

Grades 11-12 Elective Prerequisite: Algebra

(Geometry recommended)

This course is a study of physics. It is designed to look at the following concepts: motion in one and two dimensions, vectors, forces and laws of motion, work and energy, momentum, heat, thermodynamics, waves (sound, light, and electromagnetic), electrostatics, electricity, magnetism, circuits, and modern physics. A brief look at fluids, optics, and rotational mechanics will also be included. Key components will include problem solving, demonstrations, and lab participation.


AGRI-SCIENCE/BUSINESS **Note--All agri-science/business courses are lab oriented. In addition, all agri-science and agri-business courses will have leadership and FFA activities as an integral part of their course work.


Agri-Business Management (1st semester only)

Grades 10-11-12 Elective Prerequisite: 1 semester of a

another Agri-Science course

This course will deal with the planning and management aspect of an agri-business. The student will learn basic agri-business accounting practices, tax management, marketing and investing. Time will be spent with hypothetical and actual agri-business situations.



Animal Science (1 year)

Grades 9-10-11-12 Elective Prerequisite: None

This course will deal with the application of the principles of: nutrition, genetics, physiology, reproduction, bacteriology and diseases of the animal world. Students will be responsible for the health and care of the lab research animals throughout the year.


Plant Science (2nd semester only)

Grades 9-10-11-12 Elective Prerequisite: None

This course will begin by giving the student an understanding of basic botanical principles. Time will also be spent on the application and research of the following botanical principles: plant nutrition, physiology, genetics, development and diseases. Students will be responsible for the planning, planting, monitoring, transplanting of bedding plants and flowers grown in the green house.

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