State Capitol building, Lansing, MI

Political Action Committee

Talking Points       FAQs       Say "YES!"       Importance of P.A.C.  

Our new Political Action Chairperson is:
Margo Schuch at MSS (493-5620)

Talking Points

PAC directly impacts MEA's ability to lobby legislators effectively.

Every decision about Public Education is made in the political arena.

Party affiliation is not the issue; a candidate's stand on our issues is.

Local 1, L'Anse Creuse PAC has been involved in the screening and recommendation process for all legislative seats impacting Local 1, L'Anse Creuse.

MEA needs PAC money to have an impact in upcoming special elections.

Local 1, L'Anse Creuse PAC has successfully identified and supported education-friendly candidates for school board.

Local 1, L'Anse Creuse PAC is a MAJOR contributor to the upcoming bond election.

The contribution is once a year - not once a pay!

A $40 contribution is 76.9 cents per week. What a deal!!


  If you like the increase in days and hours - stay dormant!

  If you like the current certification and tenure requirements - do nothing!

  If you like the fact that your retirement benefits are being weakened, including your prescription coverage and pension - keep your 35 bucks!

  If you think charter schools and vouchers are a good idea -  don't contribute!

  If you like the erosion of bargaining rights - don't join PAC!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Local 1, PAC?

We are a group of teachers and support personnel who volunteer to make decisions about supporting candidates and issues that impact our lives as public education employees.

How is PAC funded?

By you, the members who give financial support to the Local 1, L'Anse Creuse PAC every year.

We need you! It is critical that every teacher, secretary, paraprofessional,  support person, and maintenance worker donate to PAC.

When do you give?

The PAC enrollment forms will be available at each work site during the annual PAC support drive. About two weeks are spent sharing details as to why PAC is important to you.

How much?

  • You are being asked to contribute $40.

  • This can be payroll deducted.

  • $25 will go to MEA PAC, $10 will go to the NEA Fund for Children and Public Education.

  • $15 will come back to Local 1, L'Anse Creuse PAC.

How will it be spent?

  • Local 1, L'Anse Creuse will support school board candidates and ballot proposals, such as bond issues.

  • MEA PAC will support state candidates, including Michigan House, State Board of Education, and Michigan Supreme Court.

  • NEA Fund will support federal candidates, including President, Senate, and Congress.

Who spends PAC funds?

  • Local members who serve on PAC councils and screening 
    and recommendation committees.

Help ensure that we elect officials who support public education.

Say Yes!

   Are you enjoying the extra days and hours this year?

   Do you relish spending two weeks of instructional time administering the MEAP tests?

   Is extra professional development your idea of how to spend summer vacation?

   Are the legislative attempts to dismantle MESSA just a minor irritation?

   Do you think certification standards should be increased even more?

   Would you like Michigan to become a "right to work" state?

   Does it matter to you who serves on our school board?

   Will you be satisfied with reduced retirement benefits?

   Do you deserve less pay for the work you do?

   Is a L'Anse Creuse Bond Issue not important to you?

   Do you think funding per pupil is irrelevant?

If the answer to any of these questions is NO, then... 
when your building representative asks you to contribute to PAC, you need to say "

 Do You Know the Importance of P.A.C.?

What is P.A.C.?

Political Action Contribution is money voluntarily given to support educational issues at state and federal levels. Because of new legislation in Lansing, P.A.C. members must re-enroll for each contribution. Currently you are being asked for $40.

Why do we need it?

Your pension benefits, insurance plans, salary, and working conditions have been eroded or are currently under attack. The educational process is being changed and not by people in education as evidenced with 'No Child Left Behind.' You need to protect your job and your future. You know how hard your bargaining team fought to protect health insurance for new teachers a few years ago? Other districts and retirees haven't been so lucky. 

Thanks to Engler, an HMO/PPO now covers retirees and their cost for prescriptions has doubled. Recently the legislature ahain tried to change our pension from defined benefits to defined contributions (which means that your benefits would no longer be guaranteed). Lansing has already taken away too many teacher rights and now the Federal government is imposing No Child Left Behind whether it is educationally sound or not. We can only blame ourselves if we let them continue.

How does it work for you?

Our money is used to support and promote issues that protect teacher interests and provide for funding of public education as well as elect politicians that are "education friendly." If you feel strongly about an issue, either for or against put a note on your form regarding the dispersion of your donation. Direct the MEA on the use of your P.A.C. money.

Who is responsible?

Your building representatives have the responsibility of collecting your form. Please be kind!! The building reps. did not create the need or situation that requires them to ask.

MEA-NEA Local 1 L'Anse Creuse P.R. Committee