Bulletin Board Ideas
 top choice from each committee

"We All Fit Together" Puzzle Pieces
    - kids make them- personalize with their own hobbies, ideas, interests, and include their picture
    - pieces can fit together and are put on the bulletin board

"The Bill of Rights"
    - include a picture of James Madison next to a mounted Bill of Rights
    - have the theme be an American flag with a red, white, and blue border
    - this can be adapted for the different grade levels, basic for younger children, more detailed for older students

"Zoo Animals"
    - make zoo animals out of a variety of materials (felt, leather, feathers, etc.)

"Fall into Learning"
    - autumn theme with a tree and shades of gold, red, and brown leaves falling to the ground
    - use students' names and pictures on the leaves

"Spin a Tale"
    - make a large pinwheel on the bulletin board and have students spin it to determine writing topics
    - some ides for topics include: ski resort in the Rockies, you missed your flight back home, you find a paper bag filled with $20,000 in small bilss...

"On-going Writing"
    - cut out of paper large pencils and mount them on a bulletin board
    - write the name of each child in the class on a pencil
    - attach clothes pins onto each pencil
    - children can choose whatever piece of their work they would like to hang on the board and can change it at their leisure